15 Insolite e Creative biciclette (Il post di Crooked Brains)

Collection of the world’s most unusual bicycles and creative bike designs. 

Bike Transforms into a Baby Stroller: This innovative bike design combines bicycle with the functionality of a baby stroller.

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Bag Bike: This cool designed bag bicycle is useful for transportation of products of our day to day life. 

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Shopping Cart Bicycle: Cartrider bicycle is the creation of designer Jaebeom Jeong; its inspired by the scene in the supermarkets where the parents often put their kids in a shopping cart.

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Folding Shopping Bike: Amxma folding bike functions like a shopping cart in its folded form. 

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Stepper Bicycle: This innovative design combines transportation and fitness workout toghether.

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Bicycle Without a Seat: This unusual designed ‘Dreamslide Bike’ is to be used in a standing posture where you shift your weight and sway from side to side to change direction.

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Sideways Bicycle: This unusual designed bike by Killian allows you to travel sideways and comes with independent front and rear steering.

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Elliptical Bicycle: These creative designed bicycles are for those who enjoy the elliptical trainer but don’t want to be in a gym.

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Bendable Bicycle: Innovative bike designed by Kevin Scott; it comes with a bendable frame that allows it to bend to lock onto itself around a lamppost.

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Treadmill Bike: The treadmill bicycle takes the treadmill out of your home and takes you out into the great outdoors. 

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Camioncyclette: This transportation bicycle can hold loads up to 150 kg.

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Full Circle Bicycle: Folding bike by Sanghyun Jeong and Jun-tae Park.

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Snowplow Bike: This is a custom 3-wheel bike with sidecar and a snowplow.

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Office Chair Bike: Recumbent bicycle with a very comfortable office chair.

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Hula Bike: The hub is offset from the center of the rim, the bike can be propelled by hopping up and down with the right rhythm.

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