Cycling with kids
It’s hard to find another kind of transport that would be more democratic, agile, free and versatile then a bike! You don’t need driving license, nor parking, nor petrol, nor road as well. You don’t depend on the trafic, you can perfectly ride through the park, wood or path. And! You can stop just when and where you want. To take a picture, to smell a flower, to watch a squirrel or to chat with someone.
Still cycling with kids may put a parent in dificulty. To the balance and safty are added other practical issues, such as… where I will put all this stuff? What to do if my kids want to eat / drink /sleep! right now?
And of course… is it legal? Well… In many countries transporting 2 kids on one normal and not specially constructed bike is not permited by the traffic rules, so you might risk a fine. But what is much more important, it is not SAFE.
So which is a solution? There are, in fact the special super bikes, called cargo bikes or family bikes, which were built for trasporting loads or kids.
Am I the only one who finds this phrase “built for trasporting loads or kids” to sound bizzar?!
Because, the most part of the cargo bikes, called also backfiets were built to transport load. While starting from the early 2000 kids transporting became always more popular. So the cargo bikes were adopted and trasformed, but not rethought! into the family bikes.
So what, would one say, nobody created a family bike with the main purpose to transport kids?!
Fortunately yes! TAGA BIKE creats the Family Bikes putting a kid and the family at the center of the project and creating the best Family Bike just from the scratch!
As a result, the best Family Bike ever!